Monday, 3 March 2025

 Main Reading of the Week!

Homework For the Week!


1. Write words 7 – 13 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese and definition.

3. Write a sentence with each word.

    4. Sign your Unit Test!

    5. Sensay homework, and Reading Worksheet


   1. Write words 14 - 20 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

    5. Sensay Homework and Worksheet.


   1. Worksheet.


   1.Study for the Unit Test!


    1.Week 5Write words 1 – 6 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

5. Sensay Homework 

Week 4 – Thunder Rose

1) spiral: winding around a center or pole and gradually receding from or approaching it

2) bushel: any of various units of dry capacity

3) massive: impressively large or ponderous

4) hauling: to cause (something) to move by pulling or drawing

5) funnel:  a stack or flue for the escape of smoke or for ventilation (as on a ship)

6) destruction:  the action or process of destroying something

7) almanac: a yearly book that contains calendars, weather information, and dates of holidays

8) census: an official count and survey of people who live in a country or area

9) sociologists: people who study the science of societysocial institutions, and social relationships

10) economists: people who study the flow of money  

11) officials: one who holds or is invested with an office 

12) data: information (such as measurements or statistics) used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation

13) numerical: expressed in or involving numbers or a number system

14) graze: to feed on grass and other plants  

15) herds: a typically large group of animals of one kind kept together under human control

16) obliged: to make someone feel they are required to do something

17) splendor: great brightness or luster 

18) partial: of or relating to a part rather than the whole

19) quench: to relieve or satisfy with liquid

20) ornery: stubborndifficult to deal with or control

  Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 3***

*** Sensay Link ***

Monday, 24 February 2025

Week 3


    Main Reading of the Week!

Homework For the Week!


1. Write words 7 – 13 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese and definition.

3. Write a sentence with each word.

    4. Sign your Unit Test!

    5. Sensay homework, and ClassDojo letter!


   1. Write words 14 - 20 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

    5. Sensay Homework and Worksheet.


   1. Study for the Quiz.


   1. 1. Week 4Write words 1 – 6 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

5. Sensay Homework


1. Read Thunder Rose

Week 3 – Thunder Rose

1) branded: marked by burning the skin with a hot iron
2) constructed:  put together; fitted together; built
3) daintily: with delicate beauty; freshly and prettily
4) devastation: the act of laying waste; destruction
5) lullaby: a song for singing to a child; a soft song 
6) pitch: a thick, black, sticky substance made from tar or turpentine
7) resourceful: good at thinking of ways to do things; quick-witted
8) thieving: stealing, rob
9) veins: the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart from all parts of the body
10) fever: a rise of body temperature above the normal
11) vocal: describes one’s expression using voice or words  
12) label: an attachment including important information about the object it is attached to  
13) acorn: the seed of an oak tree
14) broken: not working properly
15) native: belonging to a particular place by birth
16) icon: an image used as a symbol for a specific function or meaning 
17) item: a single particular object in a group or list
18) climate: a region of the earth having specified climatic conditions
19) silent: free from sound or noise
20) agent: a person in charge of a specific task  
21) aroma: a distinct smell that fills a space and is usually pleasant  
22) hotel: a building with many rooms for guests to sleep in for a short amount of time
23) labor: work that people can do for money  
24) motive: something (such as a need or desire) that causes a person to act
25) ego: the self especially as contrasted with another self or the world
26) basic: of, relating to, or forming the base or essence
27) spider: a small creature with eight legs and eyes that makes webs to capture insects for food  
28) vital: of the utmost importance
29) solo: accommodating one person
30) bleat: to make the natural cry of a sheep or goat 

*     Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 3***

*** Sensay Link ***

Monday, 17 February 2025

Week 2

 Main Reading of the Week!


Homework For the Week!


1. Write words 7 – 13 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

    4. Sign your quiz!

    5. Sensay homework 


   1. Write words 14 - 20 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

    5. Sensay Homework an Worksheet.


  1. Write 21 - 25 three times

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

    5. Sensay Homework and Worksheet.


   1. Study for the Unit test.


1. Week 3Write words 1 – 6 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

5. Sensay Homework

Week 2 – The Red Kayak

1) dairy farm: a place where dairy products are made
2) soft drinks:  a bubbly drink, usually flavored, that does not contain alcohol
3) potting soil: a mixture of dirt and other substances that people use when placing plants in pots
4) outgrow: to grow or increase faster than
5) prickly: full of small, sharp points
6) metallic: made of or containing a metal
7) polar: relating to the North or South Pole or the areas around them
8) bouquets: flowers picked and fastened together in a bunch
9) exhibit: to present to view
10) churn: a container in which cream is stirred or shaken to make butter
11) harbor: a protected area of water next to the land where ships and boats can be safely kept
12) drama: a movie or television production with characteristics (such as conflict) of a serious play
13) pedal: a lever pushed by the foot to run or control a machine 
14) scoop: a large spoon commonly used for ice cream 
15) rewards: something that is given in return for a good deed
16) motor: a rotating machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy
17) dialed: to make a telephone call or connection
18) swung: past tense and past participle of SWING
19) drizzle: a fine misty rain
20) parka: a hooded fur pullover garment for arctic wear
21) artery: a channel (such as a river or highway) of transportation or communication
22) moaned: a low prolonged sound of pain or of grief
23) plot: a small area of planted ground
24) gear:  movable property 
25) strange: different from what is usual, ordinary, or expected
26) blizzard: a long severe snowstorm
27) elated: marked by high spirits 
28) drained: to make or become gradually dry or empty
29) repellent: causing disgust or dislike
30) organized: describes something arranged in an orderly way 

*     Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 3***

*** Sensay Link ***

Monday, 10 February 2025

Week 1

  Main Reading of the Week!




1. Write words 1 – 10 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.                    

4. Choose 5 words to write 5 sentences.

5. Sensay Homework



1. Write words 11 – 20 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.                    

4. Choose 5 words to write 5 sentences.

5. Sensay Homework, and worksheet.


     1. Study for the Quiz!


1. Week 2Write words 1 – 6 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

5. Sensay Homework


Week 1 – The Red Kayak

1) intentionally: on purpose; with awareness of what one is doing

2) insistently: in a persistent and urgent way

3) grumbled: complained in a bad-tempered way

4) compressions: short applications of pressure

5) minute: a period of time equal to sixty seconds

6) neutral: a position of gears in which no motion goes from an engine to other working parts

7) normally: usually; in a normal way 

8) distance: the amount of space between two points, lines, surfaces, or objects

9) petals: any of the usually brightly colored parts that together form most of a flower

10) admire: to feel respect and approval for (someone or something)

11) shuttle:  a going back and forth regularly over an often-short route by a vehicle

12) method: a particular way or procedure of doing something

13) enjoy: to have a good time

14) comedy: a film, play, or book that is purposefully funny

15) advance: (v.) to move forward in a purposeful way; (adj.) done, sent, or supplied beforehand

16) anger: a strong feeling of displeasure

17) perhaps: possibly but not certainly

18) husband: a male partner in a marriage

19) drummer: one that plays a drum

20) problem: something that needs to be solved or fixed; a question raised for consideration or solution

    *Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 3***

*** Sensay Link ***

Monday, 13 January 2025

Week 21

Main Reading of the Week! 

Homework For the Week!


1. Write words 1 – 10 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese.

    3. Sign your exams!


  1. Write words 11 - 20 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese.

    3. Sign your exams!


   1. Read "Left in the Dust" p. 417


   1. Study for the Quiz

    2. Class Party


   1. Winter Homework!

   Week 21 Reading Street 4.2 – A Gift from the Heart – Vocabulary Definition

1. careful (adj.): paying close attention to avoid mistakes or danger
2. peaceful (adj.): calm and quiet, without any disturbance or conflict
3. harmful (adj.): causing damage or injury
4. thoughtful (adj.): showing consideration for others
5. tasteful (adj.): showing good taste and style
6. recently (adv.): not long ago
7. monthly (adj./adv.): happening once a month
8. actually (adv.): in fact; really
9. lonely (adj./adv.): feeling sad because you are alone
10. extremely (adv.): very; to a high degree
11. yearly (adj./adv.): happening once a year
12. pollution (n.): the presence of harmful substances in the environment
13. powerful (adj.): having a lot of strength or influence
14. certainly (adv.): without any doubt
15. successful (adj.): achieving what you want or intend
16. correction (n.): a change that makes something right or accurate
17. suggestion (n.): an idea or plan put forward for consideration
18. wisely (adv.): in a way that shows good judgment
19. playful (adj.): full of fun and high spirits
20. eagerly (adv.): with a lot of excitement and interest

*Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 14***

*** Sensay Link ***


Sunday, 5 January 2025

Week 20

 Main Reading of the Week! 

(For after the exams!)

Homework For the Week!


1. Study for the exams!


1. Study for the exams.



1. Study for the exams!


 1. Read story of the week - "A Gift from the Heart"


   1. Read story of the week - "A Gift from the Heart"

Review for exams:

Antarctic Journal
Jim Thorpe


  Main Reading of the Week! Homework For the Week! Monday 1.  Write words 7 – 13 three times.    2. Write the word in Chinese and definition...