Monday, 28 October 2024

Week 10


This week, we are focusing on exams, and I appreciate all our students' hard work. Once exams are completed, we will revisit some of the material covered in class—not for future tests, but to reinforce and enrich their English skills. This extra practice is designed to support their ongoing language development in a relaxed, non-graded way. 



1. Study for the Exams!


1. Study for the Exams!


1. Study for the Exams!


1. Reading Street story "Encyclopedia Brown"

2. Sensay homework.


1. Week 11:Write words 1 – 5 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

Week 10 – Encyclopedia Brown – Vocabulary Definitions

1. distrust (v.): to not trust someone or something
2. discontinue (v.): to stop doing something, especially regularly or permanently
3. unopened (adj.): not opened yet
4. inability (n.): not being able to do something
5. uncertain (adj.): not sure; having doubts
6. unaware (adj.): not knowing about something
7. disrespect (v.): to not show respect; to be rude
8. disapprove (v.): to not agree with something; to think something is not good
9. incomplete (adj.): not finished or whole
10. disorder (n.): a lack of order; confusion
11. unimportant (adj.): not significant; not necessary to worry about
12. unsolved (adj.): not figured out; not resolved
13. unlikely (adv.): not likely to happen; probably won't happen
14. discount (n./v.): a reduction in price; to reduce the price of something
15. unlisted (adj.): not included on a list
16. disobey (v.): to not follow rules or orders
17. unfair (adj.): not just or fair; treating someone poorly
18. indirect (adj.): not straight; not straightforward
19. disrepair (adj.): in bad condition; not working properly
20. unsuspecting (adj.): not expecting something bad or surprising

Monday, 21 October 2024

Week 9

 Review Week!




1. RWN p. 302 and p. 303

2. Read "The Case of the Gasping Garbage"

3. Review Week 2's Vocabulary

4. Prepare for your Oral Exam!


1. RWN p. 304 and p. 305

2. Read "Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon"

3. Review Week 3 and 4's Vocabulary

4. Prepare for your Oral Exam!



1. RWN p. 308 and p. 309

2. Read "Seeker of Knowledge"

3. Review Week 5 and 6's Vocabulary

4. Prepare for your Oral Exam!


1. Review Week 7's Vocabulary

2. Prepare for your Oral Exam!

3. Review Stories


1. Study for the Exam.

    *Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!




Monday, 14 October 2024

Week 8

    Main Reading of the Week! 


Vocabulary for the week:

Week 8 – Encyclopedia Brown – Vocabulary Definitions

1. lizard (n.): a small animal with dry skin, a long body, and usually four legs
2. salamander (n.): an amphibian that looks like a lizard 
3. reptile (n.): a cold-blooded animal that usually has scales
4. amphibian (n.): an animal that can live both in water and on land
5. crime (n.): something illegal that someone does; breaking the law
6. exhibit (n.): something shown to the public, often in a museum
7. reference (n.): a source of information; a mention of something
8. stump (v.): to confuse or puzzle someone
9. plot (n.): the main events of a story
10. unfamiliar (adj.): not known or recognized



1. Finish your "Expository Essay"

2. Start reviewing for the exam.

3  3. Sign Unit Test


1. Write words 6 – 10 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.



1. Write words 11 – 15 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.


1. Write words 16 – 20 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.


1. Prepare for the Oral Exam: Tell me about your favorite hobby or sport.

    *Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

2. *** Sensay for the Week***


Monday, 7 October 2024

Week 7

Main Reading of the Week! 




1. Write words 1 – 7 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay Homework for the week.


1. Write words 8 – 13 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.



1. Write words 14 – 20 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.


     1. Study for the Unit Test!


1. Week 8Write words 1 – 5 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

    *Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

1. ***Vocabulary Practice***

2. *** Sensay for the Week***


  Main Reading of the Week! Homework For the Week! Monday 1.  Write words 7 – 13 three times.    2. Write the word in Chinese and definition...