Monday, 25 November 2024

Week 14

  Main Reading of the Week!



1. Write words 6 – 10 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.                    

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sign your Quiz!


1. Write words 11 – 15 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5.5. Sensay



1. Write words 16 – 20 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay


     1. Study for the Unit Test!


1. Week 15:Write words 1 – 5 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay

Week 14 Reading Street 4.2 – Antarctic Journal – Vocabulary Definitions

1. dictionary (n.): a book or online resource that lists words and their meanings
2. verdict (n.): the decision made by a jury in a trial
3. dictate (v.): to say something aloud for someone to write down
4. contradict (v.): to say the opposite of what someone else has said
5. abrupt (adj.): sudden and unexpected
6. locate (v.): to find the exact place of something
7. location (n.): a particular place or position
8. rupture (v.): to break or burst suddenly
9. predict (v.): to say what will happen in the future
10. portable (adj.): easy to carry or move around
11. erupt (v.): to explode or burst out
12. interrupt (v.): to stop someone while they are speaking or doing something
13. import (v.): to bring goods into a country
14. transport (v.): to carry something from one place to another
15. passport (n.): an official document for traveling to other countries
16. disrupt (v.): to cause disorder or confusion
17. locally (adv.): in a nearby area
18. bankrupt (n.): a person or business that cannot pay their debts
19. export (v.): to send goods to another country for sale
20. dislocate (v.): to move out of its normal position (often a joint)
  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 14***

*** Sensay Link ***


Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Week 13

 Main Reading of the Week!



1. Write words 6 – 10 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.                    

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sign your Unit Test!


1. Write words 11 – 15 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5.5. Sensay



1. Write words 16 – 20 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay


     1. Study for the Unit Test!


1. Week 14:Write words 1 – 5 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay

Week 13 Reading Street 4.2 – Antarctic Journal – Vocabulary Definitions

1. anticipation (n.): the feeling of looking forward to something
2. forbidding (adj.): scary or threatening
3. continent (n.): one of the large landmasses on Earth (like Asia, Africa)
4. heaves (v.): to lift or pull something with effort
5. icebergs (n.): large floating masses of ice in the sea
6. convergence (n.): coming together from different directions
7. depart (v.): to leave or go away
8. adaptation (n.): a change to fit new conditions
9. topic (n.): a subject that is talked or written about
10. sacrifice (v.): to give up something important for a reason or to help others
11. unknown (adj.): not known or familiar
12. shuddering (v./adj.): shaking with fear or cold
13. hangarlike (adj.): resembling a large building for storing aircraft
14. horizon (n.): the line where the sky meets the land or sea
15. abundance (n.): a large amount of something
16. insulated (adj.): protected from cold or heat
17. zodiac (boats) (n.): small, inflatable boats
18. moss (n.): small green plants growing in damp places
19. canteens (n.): containers for carrying water
20. cache (n.): a hidden storage place for supplies
  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 12***

*** Sensay Link ***


Monday, 11 November 2024

Week 12

 Main Reading of the Week!



1. Write words 6 – 10 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.                    

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sign your Quiz



1. Write words 11 – 15 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5.5. Sensay



1. Write words 16 – 20 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay


     1. Study for the Unit Test!


1. Week 13:Write words 1 – 5 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay

Week 12 – Smokejumpers: Life Fighting Fires – Vocabulary Definitions

1. reaction (n.): a response to something that happens
2. prerecorded (adj.): recorded earlier
3. incorrectly (adv.): done in the wrong way
4. incredibly (adv.): extremely or unbelievably
5. disobedient (adj.): not following rules or instructions
6. disagreeable (adj.): not pleasant or enjoyable
7. refreshment (n.): a light snack or drink
8. unbreakable (adj.): cannot be broken
9. declaration (n.): an official statement
10. retirement (n.): the time when someone stops working, usually because of age
11. misdialled (v.): dialled a phone number incorrectly
12. undefined (adj.): not clearly explained or identified
13. unhappily (adv.): in a sad or unhappy way
14. watchfully (adv.): in a careful and alert way
15. gleefully (adv.): in a happy and excited way
16. sportsmanship (n.): fair and respectful behavior in sports
17. repayment (n.): money paid back
18. questionable (adj.): not certain; doubtful
19. displacement (n.): the act of moving something from its usual place
20. midshipman (n.): a student training to be a naval officer

    *Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 12***

*** Sensay Link ***


Monday, 4 November 2024

Week 11

   Main Reading of the Week!



1. Write words 6 – 10 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.                    

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay Homework for the Week.



1. Write words 11 – 15 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5.5. Sensay



1. Write words 16 – 20 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.


     1. Study for the Quiz!


1. Week 12:Write words 1 – 5 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

Week 11 Vocab Definitions –  Smokejumpers

1.    parachute: a large cloth device that helps someone or something fall slowly from the sky

2.   steer: to control the direction of something, like a vehicle or parachute

3.   essential: very important and necessary

4.   underbrush: small bushes and plants growing under trees in a forest

5.   wind: moving air

6.   concentrate: to focus all your attention on something

7.   dedication: being committed and working hard for a purpose

8.   method: a way of doing something

9.   emergency: a serious and unexpected situation that needs immediate action

10. conflict: a struggle or fight between people or groups

    *Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 3***

*** Sensay Link ***


  Main Reading of the Week! Homework For the Week! Monday 1.  Write words 7 – 13 three times.    2. Write the word in Chinese and definition...