Monday, 30 December 2024

Week 19


1. Study for the exams.

2. Sign unit test.

3. Listening Exam Worksheet.


1. Study for the exams.

2. Review worksheets!



1. New Year Holiday!


1. Study for the exams.

2. Review worksheets.


1. Study for the exams.

2. Review worksheets.

Monday, 23 December 2024

Week 18

 Main Reading of the Week!



1. Write words 6 – 10 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.                    

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sign your Quiz!


1. Write words 11 – 15 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay and Savvas Homework



1. Write words 16 – 20 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay and Savvas Homework


1. Study for the Unit Test


1. Review Worksheets 1 and 2

Week 18   Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path – Vocabulary Definition


1.     misplace (v.): to put something in the wrong place and lose it

2.    nonsense (n.): something that doesn't make sense

3.    prepay (v.): to pay for something before you get it

4.    repack (v.): to pack something again

5.    misfortune (n.): bad luck or an unlucky event

6.    remove (v.): to take something away

7.    precook (v.): to cook food before it is needed

8.    nonstop (adj.): without stopping

9.    recover (v.): to get better after being sick or hurt

10. reseal (v.): to close something again so it is sealed

11.  misbehaviour (n.): bad behaviour

12. reunion (n.): a meeting of people who have been apart

13. nonfiction (n.): writing that is about real events and facts

14. rebound (v.): to bounce back after hitting something

15. prejudge (v.): to judge someone or something before knowing all the facts

16. readjust (v.): to adjust or change something again 17. misprint (n.): a mistake in printed text

18.   nonprofit (adj.): not making money from activities

19.   nonstick (adj.): something that food does not stick to

20.  precaution (n.): something done to prevent harm

21.   find (v.): to discover something

22.  luck (n.): success or failure caused by chance

23.  truth (n.): what is real or true

24.  add (v.): to put something together with something else

25.  relapse (v.): to get sick again after getting better

        *Important Reminders:

    • Enjoy the week!
    • Remember to speak English in class!

    ***Vocabulary Practice Week 14***

    *** Sensay Link ***


    Monday, 16 December 2024

    Week 17

       Main Reading of the Week!



    1. Write words 6 – 10 three times.   

    2. Write the word in Chinese

    3. Write the definition.                    

    4. Write a sentence with the word.

    5. Quiz on Thursday!


    1. Write words 11 – 15 three times.

    2. Write the word in Chinese

    3. Write the definition.

    4. Write a sentence with the word.

    5. Sensay



    1. Write words 16 – 20 three times.

    2. Write the word in Chinese

    3. Write the definition.

    4. Write a sentence with the word.

    5. Study for the Quiz!


         1. Read "Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path! "


    1. Week 18:Write words 1 – 5 three times.

    2. Write the word in Chinese

    3. Write the definition.

    4. Write a sentence with the word.

    5. Sensay

    Week 17   Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path – Vocabulary Definition


    1.       dormitory (n.): a building with rooms where students live at a school

    2.      manual (n.): a book with instructions on how to do something

    3.      reservation (n.): an area of land set aside for Native Americans

    4.      boarding school (n.): a school where students live during the school term

    5.      society (n.): a group of people living together in a community

    6.      endurance (n.): the ability to keep going without giving up

    7.      challenge (n.): a difficult task or problem

    8.      valid (adj.): acceptable or reasonable

    9.      faulty (adj.): not working properly; having mistakes

    10.   ability (n.): the power or skill to do something

    11.    roam (v.): to move around without a fixed plan

    12.   prairie (n.): a large, flat area of grassland

    13.   agency (n.): an organization that provides a service

    14.   provide (v.): to give something that is needed

    15.   dishonest (adj.): not telling the truth

    16.   strangle (v.): to choke someone so they can't breathe

    17.   military (n.): the armed forces of a country

    18.   arithmetic (n.): basic math skills like addition and subtraction

    19.   epidemic (n.): a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease

    20.  influenza “the flu” (n.): a common viral infection that can be serious 

          *Important Reminders:

      • Enjoy the week!
      • Remember to speak English in class!
      *** USEFUL RESOURCES ***

      ***Vocabulary Practice Week 14***

      *** Sensay Link ***

      *** JOIN OUR LINE GROUP ***

      Monday, 9 December 2024

      Week 16

        Main Reading of the Week!



      1. Write words 6 – 10 three times.   

      2. Write the word in Chinese

      3. Write the definition.                    

      4. Write a sentence with the word.

      5. Sign your Quiz!


      1. Write words 11 – 15 three times.

      2. Write the word in Chinese

      3. Write the definition.

      4. Write a sentence with the word.

      5. Sensay



      1. Write words 16 – 20 three times.

      2. Write the word in Chinese

      3. Write the definition.

      4. Write a sentence with the word.

      5. Sensay


           1. Study for the Unit Test!


      1. Week 17:Write words 1 – 5 three times.

      2. Write the word in Chinese

      3. Write the definition.

      4. Write a sentence with the word.

      5. Sensay

      Week 16 Reading Street 4.2 – Moon Walk – Vocabulary Definitions

      1. please (v.): to make someone happy
      2. pleasant (adj.): nice and enjoyable
      3. breath (n.): the air you take in or let out from your lungs
      4. breathe (v.): to take air in and out of your lungs
      5. image (n.): a picture or visual representation of something
      6. imagine (v.): to form a picture in your mind
      7. product (n.): something made or grown to be sold
      8. production (n.): the process of making something
      9. heal (v.): to make healthy or well again
      10. health (n.): the state of being free from illness or injury
      11. triple (adj.): three times as much or as many
      12. triplet (n.): one of three babies born at the same time to the same mother
      13. relate (v.): to show or make a connection between things
      14. relative (n.): a person connected by blood or marriage
      15. meter (n.): a unit of length in the metric system, equal to 100 centimeters
      16. metric (n.): relating to the system of measurement that uses meters, liters, and grams
      17. compose (v.): to create or write something, like music or writing
      18. composition (n.): a piece of writing or music
      19. crumb (n.): a small piece of food, like bread
      20. crumble (v.): to break into small pieces
      21. draw conclusion (phr.): to make a decision or form an opinion based on facts
      22. support (v.): to help or hold up something or someone
      23. confused (v.): unable to understand or think clearly
      24. adjust (v.): to change something slightly to make it fit or work better
      25. assume (v.): to think something is true without proof

            *Important Reminders:

        • Enjoy the week!
        • Remember to speak English in class!
        *** USEFUL RESOURCES ***

        ***Vocabulary Practice Week 14***

        *** Sensay Link ***

        *** JOIN OUR LINE GROUP ***

        Tuesday, 3 December 2024

        Week 15

         Main Reading of the Week!



        1. Write words 6 – 10 three times.   

        2. Write the word in Chinese

        3. Write the definition.                    

        4. Write a sentence with the word.


        1. Write words 11 – 15 three times.

        2. Write the word in Chinese

        3. Write the definition.

        4. Write a sentence with the word.

        5.5. Sensay

           6. Sign your Unit Test


        1. Write words 16 – 20 three times.

        2. Write the word in Chinese

        3. Write the definition.

        4. Write a sentence with the word.

        5. Sensay


             1. Study for the Quiz!


        1. Week 16:Write words 1 – 5 three times.

        2. Write the word in Chinese

        3. Write the definition.

        4. Write a sentence with the word.

        5. Sensay

        Week 15 Reading Street 4.2 – Moon Walk – Vocabulary Definitions

        1. rille (n.): a long, narrow valley on the moon
        2. runt (n.): the smallest and weakest animal of a group
        3. trench (n.): a long, narrow ditch
        4. loom (v.): to appear large and scary
        5. stagger (v.): to walk unsteadily
        6. summon (v.): to call for someone to come
        7. taunt (v.): to make fun of someone in a mean way
        8. trudge (v.): to walk slowly and with heavy steps
        9. relevant (adj.): related to the topic being discussed
        10. risk (v.): to take a chance that something bad might happen
        11. crater (n.): a bowl-shaped hole on the moon or Earth
        12. shelter (n.): a place that provides protection
        13. inspect (v.): to look at something carefully
        14. gully (n.): a small, narrow valley formed by water
        15. bulky (adj.): large and difficult to carry
        16. reluctantly (adv.): doing something without wanting to
        17. broad (adj.): wide
        18. courage (n.): bravery
        19. uneven (adj.): not smooth or level
        20. scramble (v.): to move quickly and with difficulty

              *Important Reminders:

          • Enjoy the week!
          • Remember to speak English in class!
          *** USEFUL RESOURCES ***

          ***Vocabulary Practice Week 14***

          *** Sensay Link ***

          *** JOIN OUR LINE GROUP ***

            Main Reading of the Week! Homework For the Week! Monday 1.  Write words 7 – 13 three times.    2. Write the word in Chinese and definition...