Monday, 13 January 2025

Week 21

Main Reading of the Week! 

Homework For the Week!


1. Write words 1 – 10 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese.

    3. Sign your exams!


  1. Write words 11 - 20 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese.

    3. Sign your exams!


   1. Read "Left in the Dust" p. 417


   1. Study for the Quiz

    2. Class Party


   1. Winter Homework!

   Week 21 Reading Street 4.2 – A Gift from the Heart – Vocabulary Definition

1. careful (adj.): paying close attention to avoid mistakes or danger
2. peaceful (adj.): calm and quiet, without any disturbance or conflict
3. harmful (adj.): causing damage or injury
4. thoughtful (adj.): showing consideration for others
5. tasteful (adj.): showing good taste and style
6. recently (adv.): not long ago
7. monthly (adj./adv.): happening once a month
8. actually (adv.): in fact; really
9. lonely (adj./adv.): feeling sad because you are alone
10. extremely (adv.): very; to a high degree
11. yearly (adj./adv.): happening once a year
12. pollution (n.): the presence of harmful substances in the environment
13. powerful (adj.): having a lot of strength or influence
14. certainly (adv.): without any doubt
15. successful (adj.): achieving what you want or intend
16. correction (n.): a change that makes something right or accurate
17. suggestion (n.): an idea or plan put forward for consideration
18. wisely (adv.): in a way that shows good judgment
19. playful (adj.): full of fun and high spirits
20. eagerly (adv.): with a lot of excitement and interest

*Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 14***

*** Sensay Link ***


Sunday, 5 January 2025

Week 20

 Main Reading of the Week! 

(For after the exams!)

Homework For the Week!


1. Study for the exams!


1. Study for the exams.



1. Study for the exams!


 1. Read story of the week - "A Gift from the Heart"


   1. Read story of the week - "A Gift from the Heart"

Review for exams:

Antarctic Journal
Jim Thorpe


  Main Reading of the Week! Homework For the Week! Monday 1.  Write words 7 – 13 three times.    2. Write the word in Chinese and definition...