Monday, 17 February 2025

Week 2

 Main Reading of the Week!


Homework For the Week!


1. Write words 7 – 13 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

    4. Sign your quiz!

    5. Sensay homework 


   1. Write words 14 - 20 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

    5. Sensay Homework an Worksheet.


  1. Write 21 - 25 three times

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

    5. Sensay Homework and Worksheet.


   1. Study for the Unit test.


1. Week 3Write words 1 – 6 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

5. Sensay Homework

Week 2 – The Red Kayak

1) dairy farm: a place where dairy products are made
2) soft drinks:  a bubbly drink, usually flavored, that does not contain alcohol
3) potting soil: a mixture of dirt and other substances that people use when placing plants in pots
4) outgrow: to grow or increase faster than
5) prickly: full of small, sharp points
6) metallic: made of or containing a metal
7) polar: relating to the North or South Pole or the areas around them
8) bouquets: flowers picked and fastened together in a bunch
9) exhibit: to present to view
10) churn: a container in which cream is stirred or shaken to make butter
11) harbor: a protected area of water next to the land where ships and boats can be safely kept
12) drama: a movie or television production with characteristics (such as conflict) of a serious play
13) pedal: a lever pushed by the foot to run or control a machine 
14) scoop: a large spoon commonly used for ice cream 
15) rewards: something that is given in return for a good deed
16) motor: a rotating machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy
17) dialed: to make a telephone call or connection
18) swung: past tense and past participle of SWING
19) drizzle: a fine misty rain
20) parka: a hooded fur pullover garment for arctic wear
21) artery: a channel (such as a river or highway) of transportation or communication
22) moaned: a low prolonged sound of pain or of grief
23) plot: a small area of planted ground
24) gear:  movable property 
25) strange: different from what is usual, ordinary, or expected
26) blizzard: a long severe snowstorm
27) elated: marked by high spirits 
28) drained: to make or become gradually dry or empty
29) repellent: causing disgust or dislike
30) organized: describes something arranged in an orderly way 

*     Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 3***

*** Sensay Link ***

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  Main Reading of the Week! Homework For the Week! Monday 1.  Write words 7 – 13 three times.    2. Write the word in Chinese and definition...