Monday 30 October 2023

Week 10

Hi Parents,

We are starting week 10 this week. The students will be reading a new story and get a new set of vocabulary words. Today I've returned the unit tests that the students have written on Friday. Underneath you will find the homework for this week. 

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend, and are well rested with lots of energy for this new week.

Warm regards,

Teacher Steph 

Homework: Week 10


  • Write 6 - 10 three times.
  • Write the word in Chinese
  • Write the definition
  • Write a sentence.
  • Sign your test.
  • Write 11 - 15 three times.
  • Write the word in Chinese
  • Write the definition
  • Write a sentence.
  • Read "The Gymnast" p. 142 - 147
  • Write 16 - 20 three times.
  • Write the word in Chinese
  • Write the definition
  • Write a sentence.
  • Read "The Gymnast" p. 148 - 151
  • Study for Week 10's Quiz: 

Monday 23 October 2023

  Hi Parents,

I hope you all had a great weekend. I've returned all the quizzes. Most students did well. This Friday we will be writing our unit test for week 9. 

Please find the homework for the week underneath. 

Warm regards, 

Mr. van der Westhuizen

Homework: Week 9


  • Write 6 - 10 three times.
  • Write the word in Chinese
  • Write the definition
  • Write a sentence.
  • Sign your test.
  • Write 11 - 15 three times.
  • Write the word in Chinese
  • Write the definition
  • Write a sentence.
  • Read "The Stormi Giovani Club" p. 110 - 118
  • Write 16 - 20 three times.
  • Write the word in Chinese
  • Write the definition
  • Write a sentence.
  • Read "The Stormi Giovani Club" p. 119 - 125
  • Study for the Unit Test: 

Friday 20 October 2023

 Hi Parents,

I hope you all had a great week. It was a long one after that short week we had. The students worked hard, and the week ended today with them writing the quiz. So far it looks like most of them performed better this time. I will return the tests on Monday.

For this weekend you can find the homework underneath:

Warm regards,

Teacher Steph,


Week 9:      - Write 1-5 three times.

                    - Write the meaning of the words.

                    - Write the word in Chinese.

                    - Write a sentence.

Monday 16 October 2023

Dear Parents,

I hope that you all have had a great weekend. This week, week 8, we are returning to our normal schedule. We are starting a new story, and we have an outing. I know this week we will have a lot of fun.

Have a great week,

Warm regards,

Teacher Steph



  • Write words 1 - 7  of week 8 three times.
  • Write the word in Chinese
  • Write the meaning.
  • Write a sentence.
  • Write words 8 - 14  of week 8 three times.
  • Write the word in Chinese
  • Write the meaning.
  • Write a sentence.
  • Write words 15 - 20  of week 8 three times.
  • Write the word in Chinese.
  • Write the meaning.
  • Write a sentence.
  • Read "The Stormi Giovani Club" p. 110 - 118
  • Study for the quiz: Week 8
  • Read "The Stormi Giovani Club" p. 119 - 125

Thursday 12 October 2023

The Short Week

  Hi Parents,

This week is a short week. Since it is a short week the homework is a bit more. The homework I will post underneath.

Warm regards, 

Teacher Steph


  • Week seven: Write words 1 - 10 three times.
  • Write the definition of the words.
  • Quiz on Friday
    • Week seven: Write words 11 - 20 three times.
    • Write the definition of the words.
    • Quiz on Friday


    • Read "Exploding Ants"

    Friday 6 October 2023

     Hi Parents,

    We finished the exam weeks. I will return all the exams on Wednesday. I posted on Monday's blog what the homework is for the weekend. We didn't have an English class today, therefore we did not write in our communication books.

    Enjoy your long weekend.

    Warm regards,

    Teacher Steph

    Monday 2 October 2023

     Hi Parents,

    I hope that you all had a great Moon Festival. Thank you for all the Moon Festival gifts. I'm sure I have picked up a couple of kilograms this weekend. 😋

    This week we are writing our English written exams. We reviewed today and we have done a worksheet during class time. I reminded the students to take all their review worksheets home. We will do one more review worksheet tomorrow. Please let me know if you have any questions about the exam.

    The students don't have written homework this week, except for Friday, due to all the exams they are writing this week.

    Warm regards

    Teacher Steph 



    • Study for the exam.


    • Study for the exam.


    • Read "Exploding Ants" p. 84 - p. 88


    • Read "Exploding Ants" p. 89 - p. 93


    • Week seven: Write words 1 - 5 three times.
    • Write the definition of the words.
    • Write a sentence with each word.
    • Write the word in Chinese.

    Week 11

    Dear Parents,  I hope this message finds you well. As we approach our final exam weeks, I want to keep you updated on our progress and expec...